Running Google Talk in Trillian Pro 3 in 7 easy steps
If you, like me, want to stay in touch with your contacts on Google Talk, but don't want yet another instant messenger running and cluttering your system, use this tip to stay in touch with your Google Talking contacts in Trillian Pro 3.
- Download and install the Jabber Plugin from Cerulean Studios
- Open Trillian Preferences and make sure the Jabber plugin is turned on, in the plugins tab.
- In the “Identities & Connections” tab click “Add a new connection” and choose JABBER as the type.
- As the Jabber ID (JID) enter your Gmail address (e.g [email protected]), and in the password field enter your Gmail password.
- Click the Change button.
- Enter as the Server Host, and make sure the server port is 5222 (leave Use Legacy SSL unchecked).
- Save settings and Connect
Follow these seven steps and if you have any questions... Don't be a stranger.
This short tutorial was hosted by the movie trailer site - Jurassic Punk.
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